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March 27, 2010

What is it?
Mountainboarding (also known as all terrain boarding, landboarding, dirtboarding etc) is an exciting blend of all boardsports, with a hint of mountain biking, bmxing and even (when freeriding) orienteering / hill climbing mixed in for good measure. They can be ridden downhill over a wealth of natural terrain, off-road, on the street, skate park, or flatland with a powerkite. Boards are between sk8 & sno boards in size and run on mini bmx style wheels. Boards also have bindings to secure you whilst riding; These vary from full snowboard bindings to velcro straps over your trainers. Some boards also have brakes fitted to them for greater speed control. Sometimes people wear protective gear too, especially while learning.

There are plenty of retailers where you can buy a board, and there are lots of mountainboard centres where you can learn & try different stuff out, especially in the UK.

Whatever, it is without doubt the most awesome thing that you could possibly be doing if you’re vagueley into boardsports, being outside, and being cool. Fact.

If you want to know more, head on over to It’s a free webzine with the best pictorial inspiration & written word. There’s loads of advice, tips, guides and much more, including a massive links hub so you can explore the scene some more. Click on the pic below and happy riding 🙂